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Status of our LNUC proposal DISA@LNU

The project team will be visited from the external reviewers on October 4th. There are three reviewers of whom one is from Sweden and two from Denmark. They all have a computer science background. They will meet three people who represent DISA@LNU; because of the reviewers’ background, we selected Welf Löwe, Danny Weyns and Andreas Kerren. The final decision will hopefully come during November.

Jump-start for research projects described in the DISA@LNU proposal

We can spend some money during the fall (and until end of March 2017) to start the DISA@LNU research projects already now. The goal is to tie together the consortiums in the respective projects. We can cover costs for preparing collaborations, e.g., for visits at companies, kick-off workshops etc. If you would like to use this jump-start money and get help to build a stronger consortium for your project of DISA@LNU please contact Diana for the details.

Especially, if you could organize a kick-off meeting/workshop in your project before Christmas, we would help you spreading the words about it and (if applicable) invite further interested companies and public organizations. Think rather of getting extra support for something you anyway plan to do (as part of your project or your regular research work) than planning for something new from scratch.

Big Data Conference and Working group meeting in Kalmar 7-8 December

Date and venue are set for the Big Data conference in December. Calls for contributions will go out soon. Please consider staying overnight and please block these days in your calendar.

External communication

For improved external communication and better matchmaking with external collaboration requests, Diana would like to meet most of you to learn more about your research and your interest connected to Big Data/Data intensive applications.

She will contact you to set some appointments for short interview; we hope you can spare some minutes for this.

Also for improved external communication and for finding these project students for you, we want you to make sure that you have updated profiles on For best result, make sure you have a photo, information about your research and add something about you being a part of an initiative about Data intensive Sciences and Applications.

Feel free to ask Diana in case you have questions here or need help.

Not invited for the next step of Vinnova Competence Center

As most of you know, Linnaeus University sent in a Vinnova application for establishing a Competence Center connected to Data intensive Applications. It was a two-step process; the first one required a sketch of the main idea of an envisioned competence center. Only 16 of totally 111 proposals were invited to submit a full application in step 2. Ours was not among the lucky winners.

The reviewers considered it to be too applied: “The proposed center has a broad focus including aspects such as humanities, sciences, technologies and economics. Data-intensive research is a suitable field although the preproposal only mentions Big Data in the end. The emphasis of the approach is on applied research, rather than excellence in the research field.”

Webinar about EU-US policy recommendations on Data Protection and Privacy

On Tuesday, 11th October 2016 an interactive webinar will validate initial conclusions based on a policy briefing on Privacy and Data Protection prepared by the PICASSO ICT Policy Expert Group. 

More information about the webinar and registration


About IEC

Information Engineering Center (IEC) is a research and collaboration project at Linnaeus University. Our goal is to create new businesses, new jobs and increased competitiveness through cooperation between research, business and the community. Our vision is to transform the Linnaeus region into northern Europe's most attractive IT region.

IEC about Big Data

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