Connections January 31, 2025 |
Weekly E-News - Get Your Cabaret Tickets! |
FPC Cabaret/Talent Show Fundraiser NEXT Friday, February 7, 6:00 p.m., Fellowship Hall
Come join us for a night of entertainment and a fantastic dinner as we support our Mission Trip this summer. Tickets are on sale through Wednesday, February 5. $20 for adults and $10 for children age 10 and under. Tickets are in the Narthex on Sunday, the Office or online via our website.
Still time to sign up with your special talent-contact Clint!
The Silent Auction is Going to be GREAT - bidding starts SUNDAY! Come see what you can win in Fellowship Hall!
If you have an item(s) or service you would like to donate to be auctioned off at the Cabaret Fundraiser, contact us.
Contact Clint Miller or Leslee Kirkconnell. |
 | | This Sunday, February 2, 2nd Hour Adult Formation, 11:00 a.m. in Fellowship Hall
Come meet Kristy Szkudlarek, Read for Life Coordinator, who will help us understand more about Read for Life - a program sponsored by the Findlay-Hancock County Library. This program supports new immigrants in our county by teaching English as well as cultural education.The Mission Committee is calling us to go deeper with this program - volunteers are always needed! |
 | | Sunday, February 9, 11:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. in the Great Room
Plan to bring abundant hospitality to our community! Volunteer on the sign up outside the office, donate needed items and plan to stay and enjoy a delicious meal! Our menu includes chicken & stuffing casserole, green beans, fruit, and cake. |
 | | Mobile Food Pantry, Saturday, February 15, 8:00 -10:30 a.m. Great Room
Volunteers are needed to help greet those coming for food, packing and loading boxes. A great all-ages mission opportunity. Sign up outside the office or contact Katie Abbott. Let's help our neighbors who are struggling to get enough to eat for their families. |
Opportunities to Learn, Grow, Serve |
Monthly Men's Group, Sunday, February 9, 9:00 a.m. Room 211
All men welcome to grab some coffee and treats and come share fellowship together. Questions - see Curt Hugunin. |
As we start February, it's for the children!
We will collect children's Pull-Ups in all sizes. These especially help moms with preschool age children as they potty train. Darrel is in the Narthex, ready for your donations! |
Volunteer with City Mission!
Come help feed and house the hungry and homeless in our community. The first step is to fill out the volunteer application/waiver found on their website. Scroll down to "Volunteer" to fill out the application and then email to Jean Lemire. There are many volunteer opportunities online and other ways we can assist the mission, Martha's Home and Transformation Thrift Store. Groups and individuals are welcome! |
| | First Presbyterian Church
2330 S Main St
Findlay, OH 45850
419-423-2112 | |